www.getreadingright.com © Get Reading Right 2011 3 Each week children are on a mission to gain a new superpower for their superhero. To do this they must successfully complete ten activities. Each week has its own Power Up Record with ten superpower icons to be coloured in each time an activity is completed, either at home or at school. When all ten are completed, they colour the relevant superpower icon on their Superhero Certificate and they are one step closer to superhero status! There are six powers to collect: flight, X-ray vision, stretch, speed, strength and invisibility. What does it look like in practice? At Get Reading Right our knowledge comes from years of classroom practice. The following is a suggestion on how you may want to organise your early intervention program. It is what has worked best for us, but you may have your own ideas – as with everything from Get Reading Right, the program is designed to be flexible. In school support: • Each child has an A4 exercise book which is used in school and at home. Lots of the activities are designed to be done on whiteboards but you may want to photocopy the boards, after the session, and stick it in the exercise book to provide evidence of children’s learning. The remaining activities can be completed in the book. • Messages between home and school can be written in the book providing an easy way to communicate with parents and to keep track of what is happening at home. • The books provide a clear picture of the progress children are making and are helpful in focusing discussions either with Learning Support staff or parents when reviewing children’s progress. Children can also stick in their weekly Power Up Record and colour in the icons as activities are completed. Included is a My Power Pack superhero image for children to stick on the front of their exercise book. Introduction